
City Shop Guide Up and Running!

I originally started Invasionista to promote local brick & mortar shops in the era of increasing e-commerce. I love online stores, don't get me wrong, but I also, personally, love to try on, touch, and see the real product before making any sort of commitment. With that in mind, I finally started up the City Shop Guide section of this site. The link is on the left sidebar near the top or you can just go here. Each city will be a post, and you can search by city in the left sidebar. I've started off with my own city, Houston. Hopefully, this will help guide you in your shopping adventures while out-of-town or even help you discover unique treasures in your own city that you didn't even know about. I will constantly be adding new shops, so come back for updates!

If you are interested in being a shop correspondent for your city, please contact me at invasionista@gmail.com.

[image from New York Magazine]

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